Sunday, 26 February 2006

Home sweet home

We went househunting yesterday.

It's such an obsession. Actually, we're not quite ready to buy a house (we currently own an apartment) but this year sometime seems right somehow and we're getting a feel for things.

It's funny - we'll read up about a nice looking a house in the newpaper but after we turn up there to check what it really looks like, it'll be under a TV station tower, or it has a driveway set at a 60 degree angle. lol - I guess you get to the point that any house which seems less expensive than it should be, usually has something really wrong with it!

Meanwhile, real estate websites are addictive...


deemacgee said...

'tis true. Looking anywhere in particular?

Jezzy said...

yeah - in the same area I am now.

Kira said...

I'm tired of living in an apartment to be honest. I want a house, but then again, I want to know where the heck I'm going to be settled for sure for a few years before I buy one, so I stay put. Well, that and right now we have to use money to plan for a wedding and get another car. Basically, we're sort of in limbo until Alex finishes up his international MBA program next may of 2007. THEN when he gets a job, we can determine what we can afford and where we should buy the house. In all likelihood, we're looking at 2008. Oh well. At least my neighbors aren't a pain in the ass...

I want a house with an actual laundry room, a nice kitchen, and a big ass walk in closet in the master bedroom. OH! And I've always wanted a garage. My old house with the ex never had a laundry room nor a garage, and that sucked.

Tamanna said...

Buying real estate, and particularly a house, is the first step to adult hood.

Tread you want to go there?

Are you there already?


Jezzy said...

Kira - yes, wedding aren't cheap - even if they're small.

Fudge - yes, we already own two apartments - we must well and truly be adults. *sobs*