Sunday 28 May 2006

Sleepy boys

Why can boys sleep anytime and anywhere?

Hubby is unable to watch an entire movie without drifting off to sleep. I find it impossible to fall asleep during a movie - even if it's utter shit - simply because I'm concentrating, even if only vaguely, on what's happening.

Hubby also takes about two minutes to fall asleep at night. Why? I lie there for what seems like forever.

He can take a nap in the middle of the day just by shutting his eyes. I'm yet to develop the ability to fall asleep on an 18 hour airplane flight without the aid of sleep meds.

Why do boys have an "off switch"? I want one!


BarbaraMG said...

Boys can only think about one thing at a time so when they think, "Hmm...I am feeling a little slee..." Bam! Asleep.
Women, being the wonderful multitaskers that we are think about going to sleep but think of all the srap we need to do. It is silly really! Women need to take some lessons from men in this area.

Kira said...

Although I went through a stretch wherein I had insomnia a couple of years back, I have to say that I generally never have a problem falling asleep wherever and whenever I want, too. However, in my case I think it's related to having two children wear me down so much that exhaustion has taken over :)

deemacgee said...

Yep, sleep is eazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....

Anonymous said...

lol - Barbara - that made me laugh out loud.

Yes - I think being worn out helps. I need to get myself all worn out somehow. Hmmmmm.

Deemacgee - lol - no fair!