Thursday, 29 June 2006


Stuff all of you easily-offended, free speech-hating, prudish
fundamentalists for getting Big Brother Adults Only axed. I hate you

That voyeristic Monday night guilty-pleasure was the only
trashy-yet-enjoyable joy left on television!

Geez! What's with the push from the extreme right these days? Are they
the most ignorant, useless members of society?! I used to think most
of the idiots were members of the extreme left, but nope, they're just
a bunch of crazy, idealistic hippies, these other people are way more
infuriating with their wacked-out opinions. At this rate, we're going
to end up like America. Why don't we just stop teaching evolution in
highschool science classes while we're at it?

It's on after 9.30pm - if you don't like it, don't watch it! Besides,
what about the virtual prOn in some French movie on SBS. You're not
complaining about that, are you? Is it because naked Europeans having
sex with subtitles are more tasteful than semi-naked Australians
talking about the kinds of stuff that young people usually talk about?
What are you trying to prove?

Now I believe in the right to protest, but seriously, protest about
something useful. I have more of a problem with violence on TV (which
gives me nightmares and is on much earlier in the night if you're
worried about your stupid, fat kids and their fragile minds) than
people talking about sex. I hates you all for ruining it!!!

(And to answer the other questions in my comments.
1. I don't post from my blog at all now - I don't come here except on
weekends - this means I can't reply to comments in my own comments
section. I just get all comments as they come through, as usual, to my
email account. I love comments! Thank you for them.
2. To post to your blog via email, go to your blog settings and set it
up there. You can check a box so that emails to will automatically
become posts. It gets you to send emails - from any email account - to
[yourbloggerusername].[secretwordthatyoumakeup] to post.)

Oh - and thanks for all my birthday well-wishes. I wuvs the people who
comment on my blog. xx


Jill said...

What? Did I miss your birthday?

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, you fun & sassy girl! I hope that you and your hub have a year of joy, peace and adventure.

Anonymous said...

Our state just revoked the law that made getting tattoos here illegal. (We all went across the border to Georgia anyway.) But now, they are discussing making it illegal to sell sex toys here. I don't know why they bother since we have the Internet. But anyway, my experience is that extremists on both the right and the left tend to want to take away everyone else's fun. =o(

Kira said...

I have always been a sex over violence girl myself. Whenever I have visited England, I noticed that their TV has more sex stuff than we'd allow and less violence. I'd rather my children go out and have good sex than go shoot somebody, so I'm all for that arrangement.

I have no idea why people think that it's so awful to have those shows on TV. If you think that children shouldn't watch them, well then, don't let your children watch them! By that time of night they should be in bed, and if they aren't, it's still YOUR responsibility as a parent to provide supervision, so stop expecting the TV to do it for you. Sheesh.

Jezzy said...

Jill - thanks, hon. xx

JPD - you got emailled!

Kira - yes! Although English TV is slightly more "in your face" than Australian TV. It's very funny and trashy though. I'm more up for watching sex than the countless police/law/criminal-style shows on TV. And yep - put the kiddies to bed and let the rest of us have a laugh.