Friday, 1 September 2006

Half-done memes...

I had a few memes from various blogs saved and half done. I'm never
going to get around to finishing any of them, so here's my post on
half done memes...

****Should You Meme****

1. Should you tell someone if they have toilet paper stuck to their shoe?

Yes. Why not? It's not that embarrasing.

2. Should you eat cake for breakfast?

Not if you want to feel disgusting about it all day.

3. Should you read old love letters?

It depends. If he broke your heart, no. If he used you, no. Why
torture yourself with words that don't mean anything?

If he was a total prick to you, post copies of them online along with
his name and address and a naked picture of him. lol - I'm kidding.

If he's still with you, even though you think you don't deserve his
loveliness, cherish them forever.

4. Should you tell someone if you have a crush on them?

Most crushes are just crushes - pangs of strong feelings that are
rather superficial and, really, all about the person having the crush.
Besides, crushes never last long, unless they're given the chance to
turn into love. Otherwise, it's just an infatuation and will burn out
fairly quickly.

5. Should you tell on someone if they're stealing stationery from work?

No! I mean, unless they're attempting to steal computers, scanners and
photocopiers, there's nothing wrong with taking extra post-it notes,
staples and highlighters!

6. Should you tell someone if you don't want to be friends anymore?

I think most friendships die their natural death if needs be. There's
no need to break up with someone if their just a friend - unless
they're trying to stalk you or something.

****Meme from JPD's blog which I started doing ages ago...****

1. ONE OF YOUR SCARS, HOW DID YOU GET IT? There's a tiny scar on the
bridge of my nose. I got it swimming at home because I bumped into the
side of the pool. Yes – with my head! lol. The funniest part was that
I was crying like anything afterwards and it *wasn't* because I was in
pain, I was just scared of having some huge scar on my face! In fact
(and my god I was so bluddy vain as an 18 year old!), I got my mum to
take me to a plastic surgeon to treat the wound because there was no
way I was going to just stick a plastic strip on it and hope for the
best. He placed like two stiches in it during day surgery, it cost my
parents a few hundred dollars (I was such a private school girl brat!)
and it still didn't prevent the wound from healing just slightly
raised. I ended up making my own salicylic acid cream (tis very handy
being a pharmacists sometimes) to slowly and carefully breakdown the
scar. You can hardly see it now – in fact, I think I'm the only one
who can notice it.

2. WHAT IS ON THE WALLS IN YOUR ROOM? Hmmm, there's one wall (behind
the bed) which we painted bronze and there's a painting which I did
about 10 years ago called "Hug".
We're moving house at the end of next week and the new house has baby
blue walls in the main bedroom. They will need to be painted as they
clash with all our furniture!

3. WHAT DOES YOUR CELL PHONE LOOK LIKE? It's a piece of shit-old
Nokia. I actually had a cool camera one, but my husband swapped it
with me for his crappy work one (apparantly his fingers were too big
for the buttons) so I'm stuck with it.

4. WHAT MUSIC DO YOU LIKE TO LISTEN TO? I think I'm better at saying
what I *don't* like listening to, but I've been addicted to Tori Amos
and Kate Bush since I was 14.

5. DO YOU KNOW WHAT TIME YOU WERE BORN? Some time in the early hours
of the morning. My dad got tired of waiting and went home and so
missed my moment of glory.

things to change when things really are okay.

7. WHAT DO YOU MISS AT TIMES? Being able to wear a bikini without
feeling self-conscious. lol - and I'm kidding. I've *never* been able
to wear a bikini without feeling self-conscious

8. WHAT IS YOUR MOST PRIZED POSSESSION? Hmmmm, my husband. Okay, he's
not a possession. Ummmmm, okay, my TV. No I can't say that. Um, okay,
my PhD thesis. No, that's a lie - I'm not *that* proud of it - any
fairly intelligent person could do a PhD if they were given four years
of funding and a supportive spouse. Um, most prized possession - I
can't even answer that, I just can't think of anything I own that I
care that much about. I'm going to just say my scanpan because it's
great to cook with. Okay, I'll say my piano. Except that it really
belongs to my parents and it's at their house anyway. lol

9. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SMELL? His neck. Hmmmm, comforting.


****Meme from Jill's blog which I also copied ages ago...****

• What is your salad dressing of choice? Olive oil, salt, cracked
pepper and a squeeze of lemon.
• What is your favorite fast food restaurant? Nandos - with extra hot Peri Peri
• What is your favorite sit down restaurant? Bistro MarLo at Manly
just for the baked cheese souffle.
• On average, what size tip do you leave at a restaurant? Depends on
the place. And tipping isn't done as much here. I usually round up to
the nearest five.
• What food could you eat every day for two weeks and not get sick of?
Linguine with home-made pesto
• Name three foods you detest above all others. Kidney, boiled
cabbage, old, dried sandwiches in those catering platters.
• What is your favorite dish to order in a Chinese restaurant? Hmmm,
fried ice-cream
• What are your pizza toppings of choice? Tomato, basil and bocconcini.
• What do you like to put on your toast? Butter and vegemite.
• What is your favorite type of gum? Spearmint Extra

• What do you consider to be your best physical attribute? My eyes.
Not sight-wise (I'm short-sighted) just looks-wise.
• Are you right handed or left handed? Lefty.
• Do you like your smile? Yes, I guess so.
• Have you ever had anything removed from your body? My tonsils.
• Would you like to? Yes, my child-bearing hips.
• Which of your five senses do you think is keenest? Touch. I'm very
keen on touch. lol
• When was the last time you had a cavity? January. Hate them!
• What is the heaviest item you lift regularly? I don't really life
anything heavy regularly. I'd like to say "weights at the gym" but we
all know that would be a lie.
• Have you ever been knocked unconscious? Nope, touch wood.

1 comment:

Andrew McAllister said...

Okay, I confess. I have had cake for breakfast.

To Love, Honor and Dismay