Tuesday, 18 December 2007

Wrap-up 2007 and resolutions 2008

2007 Highlights:

Graduating as a PhD (and thereby joining the exclusive "PhD before 30"

Enjoying the quiet suburban life with Hubby and discovering the pleasures
of gardening (whilst turning into an old granny!)

Getting a promotion and joining the ranks of people who can take sad,
frivolous pleasure from putting "Senior" before their titles in email

Re-joining a choir and singing in two different concerts.

2007 Lowlights:

Seeing the pain Hubby is going through with his Dad's unexpected death.

Feeling like I've become one of those people who have stressy shit going on
in their lives all the time.

2008 Resolutions:

I will bind the final copies of my PhD thesis, even if I'll only use it for

I will finish writing the research paper that I've carried around in my
handbag all year (oh god, that's so sad).

I will stop being paranoid about esoteric crap such as "never reaching my
potential as a person" and similar introspective nonsense.

I will grow a backbone and learn to not let people walk all over me.

I will stop binging on chocolate just because it's there.

I will keep up with the nice 20 min morning, lunch and evening walks that
I've been doing.

I will do a better job keeping in touch will all my lovely friends.

We're going away in a couple of days - just for a mini-break before
Christmas (yay!)
So here's my Christmas message to you all:

Thanks for reading, thanks for all your supportive comments, hugs to all of
you. It's been lovely reading you and getting to know you.

Have a safe, peaceful and joyful Christmas and love to all your families.


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