Monday, 21 November 2005

And again... in addition to my rant below, it goes from bad to worse.

The ultrasound was inconclusive, the CT scan showed possible problems with the lymph nodes near his kidneys.

Hubby now has an appointment to get a biopsy done.

I'm really freaking out here.


Anonymous said...

bugger, bugger, bugger, bugger.

Thinking postive thoughts for jezzy and mrjezzy.

g said...

It's been a million and a half years at least, or more. How have you been? I hope you are doing good.

Kira said...

Um, Mark? Did you even READ her post? I think I can answer for you: she's been miserable and crying,and she's not doing well.

Jezzy, I don't blame you for freaking out, but just remember that if you freak out in front of him all the time he may not feel like he can add to your freaking out by discussing his own fears. Freak out HERE, in blogland (or via know how to reach me!), and do a more mellow "I'm really worried because I love you and would not want anything to happen to you" version for him. I'm not saying hide your feelings from him--you shouldn't, and if you are like me, you simply can't! I just mean save your absolute OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD's for here is all.

Love you dear (I'm allowed to call you dear by now :P), and hang in there. When is the appointment date for the biopsy?

(and another ps...thank god he CAUGHT the you know I made Alex go in to get a lump check when we thought we found one last spring? For him, though, it turned out to be some sort of nerve bundle...)

NWJR said...

OMG, this shocked me like you can't believe. I don't know what to say, but my thoughts and prayers are with you both.

BarbaraMG said...

It isn't written anywhere that you are not allowed to freak out and scared! When my mom was diagnosed with cancer my mind went to the worst possible conclusion and I could barely cope.
But at the same time, going to the worst possible conslusion was not neccesary because she is doing great now!
Try not to borrow trouble. You have every right to be worried and freaked out but try to focus on getting through the testing. (I know it is very hard!)
Lots of prayers will be going up from Canada for your husband and you.

Jezzy said...

Ginchy - thanks, hon.

Mark - yeah, it's been a while. Hope you're well.

Kira - hey - what's the story with Angie - where'd she go??
Yup - I've stopped freaking out in front of him - which is why I chose to blog. I'm being supportive and encouraging instead.
And yep - thank god he caught the lump. He said - "See? You keep telling me not to keep scratching my balls all the time. You're lucky I do!" LOL

NWJR and Barbara - thank you for your thoughts and prayers.