Monday, 19 December 2005

Things I learnt today...

1. The fact that hubby's cancer spread to his abdomen lowers his prognosis - but it's still good.

2. He's prolly had the cancer for about two years or so.

3. He's going to need about three weeks of daily radiation therapy.

4. The radiation therapy can reduce fertility to zero and if it returns to normal, it can take from 12 months to two years.

5. Many men with testicular cancer have low sperm counts anyway.

6. Hubby is having a sperm count and analysis. If it's high enough, he'll store sperm before the treatment which will begin in mid January. If not, well, we have a lot to think about.

7. I told hubby that one testicle is much cuter than two. It sits there all by himself looking all lonely - poor widdle thing.

8. Hubby has the sweetest nature and the most positive energy of anyone I know. He is truly special.

9. I hate dealing with this shit. But life has to go on.

10. The oven bell just rang - my banana muffins are ready.


Anonymous said...

Good luck with the radiation, and good luck with the sperm analysis. I hope it's bankable.

Anonymous said...

Comments on the things you learnt today.

1. Well, if it's treatable, it IS good, just not great.

2. Wow. It's good it was caught when it was.

3. Boy, it's probably less brutal the chemo, but not fun at all.

4. That's not a shock, but it's still hard to hear, no doubt.

5. True. Of course, low counts can be caused by other things as well.

6. Actually, with current in-vitro technology, very low amounts of sperm can be used for fertilization. But yeah, it does change your options significantly, depending on the count.

7. Um, not gonna go there.

8. That makes a difference.

9. Yes, life does go on. And more than that, I'd offer: This IS life, just not the very one you would have chosen.

10. Aren't you gonna offer some to the rest of us?

NWJR said...

You DO have a lot to think about.

Unfortunately, life DOES go on--you're right. There's nothing I can say that won't sound trite, so I won't even try, beyond writing this: you are lucky to have each other. Please be well; there are a lot of us pulling for you both.

Jezzy said...

ginchy - thanks, and me too.

s.c. - it is cute!! lol

bugs - yeah, shock, yucky, feel very numb today. thanks for the comments. x

nwjr - thank you for your support.

Kira said...

Positive energy and a sweet nature can pull a man or woman through just about anything. It's freaky to think he had the cancer for two years before it was caught...brrr! I'm glad you caught it before it went further.

Were the banana muffins good? :)