Monday, 19 December 2005


Last week we found from hubby's PET scan that his testicular cancer managed to spread to a lymph node in his abdomen, luckily it's the type (pure seminoma) which responds to radiation therapy. It's very tiny, and the CTscan had picked up inflammation in that area, so it wasn't totally unexpected news.

Today we're seeing the radiation oncologist. My guess is that he wont begin radiation therapy until the new year.


We went to Yum Cha yesterday at this great place behind the Capitol Theatre called zilver. I highly recommend. Hmmm. Really fresh food, good value, good service. Plus, it's stylish with the chocolate brown muted design rather than tacky gold dragons.

Afterwards, we saw the huge anti-racism rally making its way down Pitt St. My favourite placard read "RACISTS GO HOME". lol

Tim from Big Brother was there - Hubby called out to him and waved and Tim said "Hey there, mate, good onya!" - I think that made Hubby's day.


It's the whole "Carols by Candlelight" time of year. I like it. I mean, I refuse to watch it on television (ghastly), but it's nice to go to those events and sit around sharing a picnic and making friends with total strangers. I like that.


I'm waiting to hear back about that job. I know they've rung all my referees, so we'll see.


Gaah - my email is down! Makes me feel kinda cut off! Oh well, I'll get more work done...


Anonymous said...

1) Best of wishes at the oncologist's. As you said, not unexpected news, but can't be glad tidings. Hopefully the radiation will make short work of it.

2) Food sounds yummy. And, yeah, all racists should split, back to where they came from, I say.

3) I agree, Carols on TV is just wrong, but it can leave one with a glow to do in person.

4) Good luck with your job. I suspect they offer you the job, but make sure it's what you want to do before accepting.

5) Email being down is a p*sser, but at least you won't be bothered by your teeming millions of admirers. So, get back to work, then, missy.


Anonymous said...

Good wishes to you and mrjezzy. The lymph node news wasn't really unexpected, but still pretty scary.

I'm jealous of all the fab yum cha places in Chinatown. I haven't managed to find anything near like it in London!

And, I went and saw a college choir singing carols for their supper in our local. They did the most delightful version of Postman Pat I've ever heard!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe those race riots happened in Australia - it was like seeing something from an uncivilised land rather than Oz!

It's quite scary that something relatively insignificant can have such huge repurcussions for an entire community.

Jezzy said...

Thanks, bugs.

Ginchy - Postman Pat and his black and white cat - that's cool! Yeah, I read this article once on how Yum Cha is an Australian thing. Weird, hey?

Fudge - yeah, been really strange and very frustrating for the majority of people who aren't like that at all! We're a laid back people, we love different cultures and we love trying new things - and it's really stupid to have these idiots - from both sides of the argument, mind you - spoiling the harmony for the rest of us.