Friday, 25 August 2006


My definition - "crush": Stupid attraction to someone you'd never
actually go for.

So my latest celebrity crush is on the old guy who does "Bargain Hunt"
on Foxtel. It's like the English version of Antiques Roadshow
(actually I think he's off that show too) with a funny, competitive

I seriously watch it every time it's on and it cracks me up. He's like
really ugly! lol - but there's something grotesquely attractive about
his flamboyant personality.

I had a dream about him the other night and I woke up laughing. (Okay,
it was NOT a sex dream! I'd be really worried about me if I was having
*those* sorts of dreams about the Bargain Hunt guy.) Hubby said "what
on earth are you laughing about?" and I said "I'm dreaming about the
Bargain Hunt guy! He's just so ugly but I really like him!" lol!

Oh - I'm laughing to myself here! I swear I am losing my mind...


Kira said...

I go nuts over celeb chefs myself. Their looks are nothing. Their skills in the kitchen are what turn me on...haha!

NWJR said...

I had to look him up.

BWAHAHAHA! I don't even know what the phrases "cheap as chips" and "a real bobby dazzler" mean, but this guy looks like a lot of fun.

Enjoy your crush! :-)

Tamanna said...

Oh MY BOB! Are you talking about David Dickinson?

That self tanning disaster?! He's awful! Although I have to say he's quite popular in the UK. So you're not alone...scarily enough!