Saturday, 26 August 2006

Maybe we need to take more accountability for the state of all our
relationships. Rather than blame others all the time. Rather than feel
like we're doomed or somehow unlucky or undeserving or wronged or used
and discarded or whatever else might be plaguing us.

I keep thinking that the more I get wound up about someone or
something, the more I want to tuck it all away and pretend my problems
don't exist. Like I'm happy with the way things are. Like I don't need
to speak up.

I wish I was the type to just let it out and say exactly what I think
rather than letting it fester on the inside while I act like it's all
cool. But that's just not me. I don't bring things up.

I don't go and tap my problems on the shoulder and say "Hey you! I
have a bone to pick with you! I want to tell you what I really think,
what I really feel! I want you to know that I'm really pissed off and
really hurt and so not okay with what you did!"

But I'm just not the type to stick my neck out first.

That's way too scary...

1 comment:

Kira said...

I AM that type of person. I pretty much tell people right away when they make me happy or piss me off. The good news is that you always know where you stand with me. The bad news is that you always know where you stand with me ;) I feel like this approach works best for my needs, but I know that being so direct sometimes pisses other people off. Think of it this way: direct or indirect, SOMEBODY will be happy with you and somebody will be angry. So, just do what you feel you can and don't worry about the rest.