Grab the nearest book, whatever it is, go to page 123, find the 4th
sentence, and then type in the next five sentences.
Hmmmm, is there a book on my desk? There's lots of paper. Lemme see,
here we go...
"The immunohistochemistry assay of the specimens was performed with
anti-fast myosin antibody for immunofluorescene at a dilution of
1:400. Slides were then incubated with secondary biotin-labelled,
affinity-isolated anti-rabbit and anti-mouse immunoglobulins."
Okay, there's no way I'm typing in five whole sentences of that crap.
Seriously. The majority of my blog readers are not scientists and will
read it as utter anti-rabbit gibberish!
Here's to wishing that I had something more interesting to read than
scientific journals...!
Wow! Talk about irony. The author introduced a subtle tension, almost sexual, in his or her opening sentence, and then built upon it with grim metaphor which underlined the counterpointing surrealism until it took on a life of its own, transforming into an indictment of racial intolerance in an industrialized world. Can't wait for sentence #3. Does it involve Giant Atomic Chickens (tm)?
Grant! LOL
Ok, Jezzy, that was worse than my MLA stuff. You win.
Yuck Jezz, now I now why I didn't do anything to do with chemistry!
I think scientific journals would be moderately more interesting than my current reading matter! At least it's no longer forced by phd.
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