Monday, 4 September 2006

I am grateful...

I'm going to copy Barbara's recent post. I need to do this every so often.

I am grateful:

1. That I have a wonderful husband who is so loving and caring and who
loves me so much and who works so hard and who is just such a gorgeous

2. For my parents who are so very supportive and helpful and who would
do just about anything for me.

3. That right now, we seem to have our health. And that's so very
important and I hope it stays this way.

4. That in a few days, we will own a beautiful house in a lovely area.

5. That we both have a jobs that pay the bills.

6. I have some very nice friends, old and new, and I think they're just great.

7. That even though I have things to complain about, everyone does,
and it's not that bad, really, in the scheme of things.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great idea for a post! I'll have to do this sometime!

So, you'll be in the house in a few days?!?! Woohoo!!! Congratulations!