Tuesday 29 April 2008


1. Our first choir concert for the year was really lovely. We have a
smaller chorale concert coming up on Mother's Day.
Me like singing in concerts.

2. I cut my hair off.
Kinda on a whim but as it turns out, it was a big deal! My long curls
defined me dammit - like that whatzit girl, Felicity. Although, I have
to say, I like the short bouncy curls. My hair feels so much more
healthy as well. And I feel a bit more grown up.

3. I've been unwell over the long weekend which really sucked. I think
I'm letting myself get run down - not enough fruits, veggies and water
- I never usually get sick but at the moment, I feel really wiped out.

4. I really, really enjoyed the Big Brother launch last night - the
characters were great! Loved the guy who believes in UFOs and the
other one with the squeaky voice, oh, and the one who escaped from the
cult. Not to mention the midget, the grandma and the abbatoir worker.
This is good - I tuned out last year due to boredom (they were all
bland and blonde - why?) so I have high hopes for good, voyeuristic
entertainment this year.

5. Is it possible to go out in this fair city these days without
coming across an ex-reality TV contestant? I think I've come across
someone from almost every season of every reality show. On Saturday I
saw Vanessa from So You Think You Can Dance Australia (is that name
long enough?) chowing down on some sushi in Chatwood.

6. I'm glad that SBS are soon to screen the next season of Skins. That
show is brilliant.

7. I have almost finished draft 6, I think, of the paper I want to
publish - gaah - I hate having things like that at the back of my

8. It's fucking freezing. Seriously, what happened? I left work
yesterday evening and stepped outside and, excuse my french, but I
thought my tits were going to freeze off! It was fine during my lunch
break - what's going on!?

9. I have to get passport photos done for a new passport. I hate
passport photos. I'm also due for a new driver's license this year. I
hate my driver's license photo. Gaah - me do not like the people who
take those photos at the RTA as they are crappy photo-takers.


Kira said...

The shortest my hair ever gets is every other year when I cut it for Locks of Love. It still ends up past the shoulders (between boobs and shoulders, actually) at that time. My mom always told me when I crossed 30, I was required to cut my hair short. I think that means I'll keep it long forever.

I need to redo my passport because I never have despite that I got married a year and a half ago *cough*. I also need the kids' passports redone since theirs only last five years and so they're up now. Their pictures always look adorable. Mine look like shite. But then again, I never take a good picture, so I can empathize with you not wanting to get them done either.

Craigus said...

Skins is the best show ever!

And BB is looking good this year! I'm so glad it's not the blonde magazine people with no personality.

And on the topic of passport/licence photos, try having yoru licence from when you were 120kgs.. and now being 80kgs.. the looks of "that isn't you" isn't fun anymore.

Grant said...

The last time I saw Cate Blanchett, she looked like she was succumbing to Hollywood standards and was going anorexic.

general_boy said...

I HEART SKINS TOO!!!! Can't wait. =)