Thursday 17 April 2008


I'm laughing here at the lobbyists trying to change schools from using
terms like "Mum and Dad" etc, who want the term "partner" used instead
to refer to all relationships so that there's no discrimination.

How ridiculous.

I really, really hate that word. There's one person I work with who
always asks me "how's your partner?" when referring to my husband and
it really annoys me!
Is this just me here?

Partner is such a cop out word. The only people who use is are trying
to validate a relationship that isn't a marriage.

Seriously, there's nothing wrong with girlfriend/boyfriend - why not
just use that - why be ashamed of that? I'd even have more respect for
the tongue-in-cheek term "lover". But the use of partner outside of a
business/law/sporting relationship is just really try hard.

That's what I reckon anyway.


deemacgee said...

Hmmm... I always referred to my ex as my "partner", because to call him my "boyfriend" had a strong element of triviality to it.

"Partner" sounds so much more... mature, and there's an inherent sense of balance to the word: "partner" implies a "partnership", a sharing, a co-dependency, a feeling of integration and mutualism., I liked to keep people guessing about whether I liked peen or poon.

I've always thought that language should become more general, and therefore, more inclusive. I'm a big fan of gender-nonspecific terminology: partner, significant other, other half... I draw the line at "domestic cohabitor" and "life partner", because they're just überwanky. Oh, and "spouse" is a no-go until same-sex marriage is recognised in this country.

Actually, it's interesting you bring this up. Two of my closest friends - both ladies - got married in NZ last week, and when I refer to K or S and "her wife", it still seems strange. Will take some getting used to...

What aobut using the term "parent(s)" instead of "Mum and Dad"? That's completely inclusive of all arrangements - surrogate, adoptive, single, same-sex, deceased...


Hope you're well, dear!

Grant said...

I hate the term partner because it's so needlessly generic, kind of like "significant other" (but worse). Lover may be a bit too descriptive for the workplace here, but I don't see anything patronizig about boyfriend or girlfriend, and certainly not husband or wife. "Anal sex buddy" might be more than we need to hear, but why don't you try bandying it about and see how it goes over? Post a full report on this experiment. Include pictures.

Quick cultural note - the traditional terms for husband and wife in Japanese literally translate to "master" and "person who doesn't leave the house," but they've created newer terms more equivalent to the English words. From what I'm told, men still prefer the older term but switch to the newer one when the person who doesn't leave the house is in earshot.

deemacgee said...

Funny that "anal sex buddy", when you really think about it, is almost as generic as "partner"...


M said...

hm, I don't have a problem with the term partner - but now that I'm aware of "anal sex buddy" making the rounds I'm going to go ahead and just use that one with the parents at school! ;)

general_boy said...

Then there's the ambiguity of it when you jave just been introduced to someone. Two guys... "and this is my partner... Steve". wait... partner partner or business partner? shit this is awkward...

The only one more mystifying to me is "Freind". "this is my freind Jane" gboy's brain: ahh so you're not shagging then, hang in there trooper!

Anonymous said...

I totally concur. I've been in business almost 50 years and have had numerous "partners", but I have only one "wife" (in my case the only one I've ever had, or will have!) But I have had multiple "partners" (business wise that is) the bond between spouses and "partners in my mind is not even close.
If having a "partner" makes one feel morally more "well adjusted" than a "Bimbo" or "Dickhead" well so be it. Just don't blame me if I start laughing when I meet "your partner"!
Mr. Guinness

Craigus said...

Most ridiculous thing i've heard. It's almost as worst as the "bah bah BLACK sheep" idiocy.


Anyways just thought i'd officially say hello to you my lovely jezzy and let you know i've been keeping tabs of you on and off now and I just hope your feeling ok and mentally rested.. in a perfect world we all would be but we're not! But seems like your dealing with things just good.

(ps its usher :p)

Kira said...

Well, since you titled the blog entry "Howdy," all I could think of was the old Westerns...

Howdy, Partner!

No, that doesn't create the right visual.