Monday, 23 June 2008

Shameless Birthday Plug

Yesterday, I turned 29.

There's lots I could say about being 29.
But I won't.



general_boy said...

Yes... there are things I could say about 29 too LOL.

Anyway, Happy Birthday for yesterday Jezzy!

Amanda said...

Happy birthday! 29 isn't so bad, but 30 scared me just a little bit!

Mr. Guinness said...

Happy B-day !!!
got a new blog site going at drop by and check it out, moving from my Irish Pub phase to my "vast world expanse" page :)
started my own company, long story, but working on a website as well, I'll post the URL when it's ready to go.
hope alls well with you, #2 son and wife having grandaughter anytime now, let you know on that as well.
As they say in Hollywood, "my people will call your people,...we'll lunch."

deemacgee said...

Happy Birthday To You!
Happy Birthday To You!
Happy Birthday Dear Jeeeezz-y
Happy Birthday To You!

I type better than I sing. :o)

Hope you had a fabulous day!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday - sorry I missed it, been way too wrapped up in my own world and time to break out :)

Hope you had a brilliant day :)

J xx

SobieQ said...

Happy Late Birthday! I'm sorry I missed it! :-)

NWJR said...

Happy (inexcusably belated) birthday!