Tuesday, 27 December 2005

Lemme rant

Second post for the day - I'm all by myself, okay?

Clothes are in the washing machine, dinner is in the oven, and Jezzy shall kill time by crapping on about stuff in her online journal.

My father-in-law, from England, has been staying with us. He's here for almost a month. Those who have in-laws who annoy the shit out of them will understand me when I say I'm slowly going insane...

Of course, I can't complain about it too much to Hubby (even though it's started to drive him nuts too!), so I'll complain to you all. After all, you can't stop me! :-P

Where do I start? I could start by saying that I'm lucky enough to have a husband who is just a pleasure to live with. I have no need to nag him ever, really. He's considerate, thoughtful, hard working and appreciative. I'm not used to living with someone who doesn't fulfil the above description.

Hubby's dad is not easy to live with. The fact that he's twice divorced (both marriages lasted less than three years) and he hates his current live-in girlfriend, shows that he's slightly dysfunctional on the relationship front.

How doth he annoy me? Let me count the ways:

- He traipses sand right throught our apartment every time he goes to beach - which is most days. It goes everywhere! Luckily only the bedrooms are carpeted otherwise I'd lose it.

- He doesn't shower after going to the beach so the sand goes though his sheets and he keeps asking to have his sheets washed.

- He doesn't hang up his towel after using it, and therefore asks for a new towel every second day. I don't own that many towels!

- I don't understand how, but everytime he goes to the bathroom, he leaves muddy looking footprints everywhere and I have to clean the floor.

- Speaking of using the bathroom, he has a bad aim and leaves the toilet seat up. Hubby, a clean freak, has been washing the toilet each time after his father uses it. lol

- He stays up really late and eats the contents of the fridge (which I don't mind too much), but then leaves dishes in the sink unrinsed. He also leaves crumb-filled plates around the place. Enter cockroaches. Ew!! We never get so many insects in the house, and I don't think he understands that when you leave food around, they fly in the window. This makes Jezzy scream.

- Everytime he uses the toaster, the kitchen countertop is laden with crumbs. Ditto above comment.

- He attempts to help out by washing the dishes occasionally, but his attempts are so poor that I have to rewash everything.

- He has to go out and do something ALL THE TIME!! This one really annoys me, because I want Hubby to rest, but he hasn't really been able to. He needs constant entertaining.

- He thinks everything I cook is weird. I have no idea what kind of diet he exists on, but even if I make something really simple like linguine with lemon, garlic, chilli and olive oil, spinkled with parmesan and served with a green salad, he'll prod at it and say "So what's this then? Is it Indian?" He was totally confused by the stawberries I served last night with balsamic vinegar, icing sugar, and vanilla bean ice cream and asked if it was Malaysian. WTF?! Gawd, just because I'm non-white, doesn't mean all I cook is Asian food! Granted, he eats it all, but I don't think he likes it very much. Maybe I'll start making him roast beef with yorkshire pudding and soggy vegies to put him back in his comfort zone.

- I hate sharing my husband. There, I said it. He's mine, all mine. I love spending all my time with him everyday and I'm annoyed that someone else is taking up all his time. My territory, dammit!

- He's kinda stupid. Yeah, that's me being shallow, but it's frustrating living with someone who doesn't seem to know anything and who needs everything explained.

You know, I just read back over this, and it strikes me that maybe this is what it's like to have a kid. I mean, all those points could be made about living with an average 5 to 15 year old, couldn't they?
Shit, that's scary.


Pink said...

"I mean, all those points could be made about living with an average 5 to 15 year old, couldn't they?"

LOL, talk about hitting the nail on the head! guess its the whole circle of life thing - u start out weak, alone & childish, and to that state u return as u enter the sphere of the elderly.

u must have Loads of patience to put up with all that - im not even a neat-freak but dirty dishes & muddy bathroom floors - EWWWWW... not nice, especially when u have a zillion other things to be getting on with!

i have a 24yr old brother at the peak of his bachelorhood - we've been home alone for the past 2wks - so i can kind of empathize with u!

Jezzy said...

lol - thanks. Oh, and how's this for yesterday - blood on the bathroom floor?! Gross!! He'd cut his foot and trod blood everywhere. Hmmm - I got hubby to clean up that one.