Wednesday, 23 January 2008

mirror, mirror...

You know when you have those mornings when you get out of bed in your
undies and stare at yourself in the full length mirror and think "Wow
– I look pretty hot – I've lost loads of weight and my hair is all
messy in a sexy, just-out-of-bed way" and then you put on your glasses
and see that you're just as frumpish and messy as you normally look in
the morning?

Reality is so much better when it's out of focus.


Anonymous said...

Hey, that exact same thing happened to me this AM, well, except that I never *did* find my glasses. Cheers!

deemacgee said...

Reality is so much better when it's out of focus.

That's a keeper.

Anonymous said...

There's a simple solution to that problem, don't put your glasses on till later and live with the dream all morning.

NWJR said...

Hey! I just did a post about that!

That's why I follow ginchy's advice and don't bother with the "putting on my glasses" part.

Grant said...

Reality is overrated. I recommend beer instead.

Anonymous said...

Lol - yes. I know this kind of morning. I want to get LASIK, but maybe it would be a bad idea...

Mr. Guinness said...

Never, ever put your glasses on until you've bumped into at least three things! (On a good day I can go until both feet are on the floor!)
Other solution is better,...get rid of the mirror and be your own perception of yourself, it makes life GREAT!

M said...

lol, so true!

Kira said...

...for me, if I just avoid the scale I'm good. Or at least just listen to what Alex is mumbling at me about my body. And it also helps if I ignore the rest ;)

X. Dell said...

What if clarity deceives? After all, to many other people what you see is a blurry image is how you would really look to them.

Only a rare (and very strange) individual can judge herself fairly.

general_boy said...

Ahhh, see there's my problem... I have 20/20 vision. Every day it's like "meh.... same old". LOL