Thursday, 3 January 2008

Perfect Day

I would so love...

To start with a yummy fruit platter - with gorgeous, fresh, tropical
fruits - hmmmm.

Then - a coffee tasting expedition. Sampling wonderful aromatic brews
from around the world.

For lunch - cheese platter! All sorts of beautifully crafted cheeses
from squishy, baked garlic Camemberts to stinky Stiltons.

And - a beautiful selection of breads - crusty baguettes, olive
sourdoughs, flaky roti chanai - yum!

And after that - wine tasting. From crispy whites, through to
sparkling Shiraz and ending in the stickies.

Following that - chocolate tasting - from delicate milks to the
deepest of darks.



NWJR said...


Now I'm hungry.

That sounds just about perfect...

Anonymous said...

Can I come too?

Mr. Guinness said...

Doesn't everyone live like that? Oh do tell , how does the "other half" live?
Don't tell me Cheerios, and sticky buns! Yuk!!

deemacgee said...

I lurve Cheerios.
Your menu sounds like... like... well, sex on a plate.

Happy New Year, darlin'!

Anonymous said...

Uber bliss! Good thing I'm just about to a friend out to lunch for her birthday... the oatmeal I had for breakfast hardly seems adequate now that I've read this post!

Happy New Year, Jezzy!