Wednesday 19 March 2008

Crazy 8s

So I found this on Grant's blog some time ago, saved it, and figured I'd do it some time when I got bored.

So here it is...

8 things I’m passionate about:

1. Hubby
2. Family
3. Good food
4. Good music
5. Good books
6. Good movies
7. Growing flowers
8. Being a super-acheiver without trying too hard

8 things I want to do before I die:

1. Have kids - nice ones who say things like "Mummy, can I help you with the ironing? I do so love to help you, Mummy." Nice kids. I don't want those horrible bratty things you see all too often these days. (Yes, in my head, my kids speak in dulcet English tones using perfect Received Pronounciation.)

2. Cultivate my passive-aggressive tendancies so I can use them for good and not for evil.

3. Spend a month in Italy doing general touristy things and eating and waving my hands in the air, gesturing wildly, as I talk.

4. Learn how to drive more assertively - without constantly getting stuck behind buses in peak hour traffic.

5. Pay off my mortgage miraculously before I hit 35, thus removing massive burden linked to ridiculous property prices in this part of Sydney and stupid, stupid rising interest rates.

6. Win the lottery and be able to donate all the money to family. I won't need any of it because I paid off the mortgage already and am no longer burdened by bank.

7. Think up a brilliant business idea for Hubby in which I act as the silent partner providing guidance while he runs with it and gets all the glory, thus removing him from his current situation with a business partner who I don't really like because I can't stand arrogant people who have no reason to be so full of themselves.

8. Stop being so judgemental of people.

8 things I often say:

1. Um
2. Okay
3. Kinda like
4. Yep…so, yeah.
5. I dunno.
6. Are you serious?
7. Excitement!
8. Yay!

8 books I’ve read recently:

1. The Geraldine Conspiracy - Anne Chambers (I didn't like it and didn't finish it. I only chose it for the title.)
2. The Blind Assasin - Margaret Atwood. (Oooooh - love her stuff! Want to obsessively read all her books!)
3. Gardening Australia Magazine. (Can this count as book?)
4. The Hogfather - Terry Pratchett - after seeing the TV adaptation over Christmas.
5. Stardust - Neil Gaiman
6. Falling Angels - Tracy Chevalier
7. Making Money - Terry Pratchett
8. Can I count the multitude of scientific articles I read all the time?

Three of the above books were re-read (or in the case of Stardust, listened to as an audiobook - it was better listening to than reading that one). I always think that it's nice to revisit good books after a couple of years.

8 Songs I Could Listen to Over and Over:

1. Raspberry Swirl - Tori Amos (my fav "walking with ipod" tune - because it makes the walk a strut.)
2. Emily - Joanna Newsom
3. Fidelity - Regina Spector
4. Space They Cannot Touch - Kate Miller-Heidke
5. Bertie - Kate Bush (I know she wrote it about her son, but to me, it's about Hubby - all sweetness and light "luverly, luverly, luverly, luverly Hubby" and "you give me so much joy, then you give me…more joy…")
6. Perfect Now - Sarah Blasko
7. George - Special Ones
8. Flame Trees - Cold Chisel

8 things that attract me to my best friends:

1. They're so cute just for being special in their own special way.
2. Their diversity. It's hard to write this list as I really like such different people.
3. Funnyness.
4. Quirkyness.
5. Sweetness.
6. Being able to contact them only every 6 months or so, but still knowing that they luv me and that they know I am not ignoring them.
7. Funny emails that make me laugh at work.
8. Their willingness to want to be friends with me. (Why? Why??!)

8 people I think should do Crazy 8s

You, you, you. You, you. You, you and oh yeah, you.


Grant said...

That reminds me so much of my list, except that it's pretty much the opposite. And good luck with the proper Brit kids thing. I'm sure Mary Poppins will be by any minute to help you.

general_boy said...

LOL at the 8 things you say... reckon I have the same problem with about six of those LOL. The two others would be "no", and "allrighty".

And Fidelity... what can I say... still sounds as sweet as it ever did. Ahhh Regina. *sigh*

PS hope you have a neato Easter. :)

carmilevy said...

You have a wonderful spirit. And great taste in music. I need to come back tomorrow and re-read this, just to make myself feel better.

Kira said...

I can't help you with the Brit accent, but I CAN tell you that if you raise your kids right they'll bring you largely joy. Even Grant, who has met them, will have to say they aren't killable as kids ;) It's not easy to do it right (but easier for you because your hubby rocks! I had to wait until Alex came around to have a good male role model!). But the rewards are endless. And then you'll have kids who help you, who laugh with you, and who are always asked over again to their friends' houses since they are sweet, kind, and a good influence :)

M said...

oh my god I say all of those with clockwork regularly except #7! Weird.

NWJR said...

OK, I broke down and did this one.

Great list. Really!

Mr. Guinness said...

Love the "eight's", I'll try and answer them this week in my blog as well. (Love your answers!)